They are not new but they have changed under Biden allowing them to be a lot more permissive. We already know Biden doesn’t care about the constitutionality of his directives, the cancellation of student debt was declared illegal and unconstitutional and he repeated it twice after the first ruling. This is why people are so cagey, instead of going through Congress despite SCOTUS recently having said that this is unconstitutional when they ruled Chevron deference, he continues making sweeping directives.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
Anony Mous
Terrorist organization BLM promised illegal voter intimidation at the polls:
Sad that people feel the need local militia to protect them (only in Trump-heavy districts) from both the left and the government.
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
Anony Mous
AtlasIntel, one of the most accurate pollsters historically speaking has Trump up 0.5-5 points in all the battleground states. I think SlimboyFat, you are looking at the popular vote, she will win that 84/100 but she currently has a 36/100 chance of winning the electoral college based on the aggregate of polls and the fact she needs to win 6 of the 7 battleground states (Trump needs to win 1 or 2).
Currently 32% of Americans think the US is going in the right direction under Biden, if that is what you think, why would you vote for more of the same.
1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it
by neat blue dog inhe will not pressure her to engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning, or that bother her conscience..... the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
a christian couple must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor jehovah, to please each other, and to maintain a clean conscience.
generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage..
Anony Mous
As far as sex drive, the sex drive for younger women may be higher than some males, but as they mature other things become more important for females. Males will always have a high sex drive, biologically speaking they are looking to spread their genes as far and wide as possible to be successful; women though become vulnerable after successful coupling thus will want to attach themselves to a single person for protection, after which sexuality becomes a secondary concern, so high sexuality in men is dangerous to them.
This is of course not every individual, the Pareto principle applies though and on average men will have higher sex drives and the highest drive in male will be significantly more aggressive than the highest female, which will still be more aggressive than the average male.
I do think that is partially why we have invented a diversity in sexual practice, it can allow more intellectually stimulating practice without boring the male, thereby giving the female more chances to “keep” the male and if the fun does spread to other mates after reproduction, less likely to shoot the load in the right target so-to-speak.
by raymond frantz in
the construction of a new jehovah’s witnesses kingdom hall in cybinka, poland, has once again shed light on the watchtower organization’s relentless drive to expand its real estate empire on the backs of unpaid, vulnerable volunteers.
every day, around 40 jehovah’s witnesses show up at the construction site, some traveling long distances, not for pay or proper protection, but to fulfill a sense of “spiritual duty” instilled by the organization.
Anony Mous
@joey jojo: you clearly have never been at a quick build. I still have the booklet, they are more worried about the way things look to the world and setting a good example than safety. More than half the booklet (I think it is about 16 pages) is spent on organization and dress code. Safety specific, beyond wear a helmet and eye protection and follow local laws there is very limited safety in there, nothing at all on specifics of power tools or equipment.
There are no requirements for volunteers that lead these projects or portions beyond their “spiritual maturity”, and have a penis which means an experienced professional could be instructed by a well meaning but incompetent elder, and that I have seen play out in reality - where an experienced mason told them they didn’t do the foundation to the correct depth and didn’t have any cavity wall, but because that didn’t stroke with the plans (and would make the building more expensive) they didn’t listen. The guy quit on the spot telling them they were going to get mold and sinkage, and guess what, he was right, not even 3 months later they had mold and a few months after that the foundation was exposed, off course that became another project they needed to raise another round of funding for.
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
Anony Mous
@slimboyfat: will your candidate certify the vote.
Note that Democrats are already cheating - the RNC sued for 135k early votes that were cast twice in Nevada, international students are voting and their votes are not disqualified, in Pennsylvania Trump supporters were arrested for remaining in line to vote after the state illegally shut down early voting places that had a high turnout, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that invalid votes must still be counted and some states have now said votes will not be counted and in some cases accepted until a week after the initial results of Election Day have already been known, ballot boxes have been put on fire while activists attempt to (illegally) intimidate voters at the polls, even Jimmy Kimmel illegally declared Election Day to be on a different day for Republicans (which landed someone in jail in the 2020 election).
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
Anony Mous
@slimboy; all the polls are in favor of Trump even in very blue states like New Hampshire and New Jersey are ‘lean’ Democrat. Previous years the polls have been consistently behind (2-10 points) in an attempt to discourage voters from showing at the polls.
I’m not sure what will happen, I think Trump wins purely based on the numbers and enthusiasm, all the swing states are in a toss up just on the polls, but Trump only needs to win 1 of them, Kamala needs all 5 and maintain all the other states.
Not-conspiracy theory: It is a fact Kamala has to certify the election, you cannot certify the election for Hitler, so the election goes to the majority-Democrat senate and house.
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
Anony Mous
@Halcon - what does that even mean, this isn’t like a bad tweet that they edited, this is what he said. I am aware they edited the transcript to seem like that isn’t what he was saying, but this White House has been caught multiple times editing or even adding/removing words and sentences to interviews and transcript.
Are you glad you got the Covid Vaccine? Did it help?
by liam ini didn’t get the covid vaccine, but i admit, i was scared as shit i made the wrong decision because there was so much confusion out there.
practically all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth.
now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.
Anony Mous
@joey jojo: what risk did they expose others to? Do you have any evidence that masks/shielding/isolation were in any way successful? You know that nurses train for an entire year on the correct way to mask so as to reduce (not eliminate) the chance to catch or spread a pathogen, you expect an entire population to mask with the mostly unavailable N95 (which stands for 95%) and replace it every time they touch to take it off, or every 8 hours, whichever comes first.
Just to be clear, the surgery masks do not stop pathogens, they are there to prevent hair and large particulate matter (spit) from falling into open wounds during a surgery.
Will flu jabs STOP you from being infected & passing it on?
by BoogerMan inaccording to boots the chemist, their £20 flu jab (free for over 65's) will stop infection and transmission!
"whilst no vaccine is 100% effective, having a flu jab will help protect you from catching flu and passing it on to others.
Anony Mous
The flu vaccine is based on last year’s or older strains, by the time you get it, you are anywhere from 2 (in the US) to 4-6 (EU) evolutions of the virus away and your body likely already has the antibodies. If the flu vaccine were even half as effective as they say it is we wouldn’t have the flu anymore.